For the first time in too long, it’s actually starting to feel like Spring (Saturday can’t come quick enough), so here’s your Herald recommendations for getting out in Buenos Aires this weekend. It’s been a very Herald-themed week over here — from our Herald Talks on Wednesday where we all wore fancy clothes, ate hors d’oeuvres and asked smart questions. To the Pictionary-themed Herald Night on Thursday where we wore considerably less fancy clothes, drank beer and drew stick figures.

So whether you prefer eating macarons at the French Embassy, or want something a little more rockero in Mercado de las Pulgas, we’ve got your weekend plans covered. French Fair Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 — 10 a.m.

to 6 p.m. Plaza Cataluña, Cerrito and Arroyo (in front of the French Embassy) Free entry Head down to the French Embassy to get your fix of French culture and gastronomy this weekend.

There will be everything from cooking classes, to quizzes, to stories for children read in French. Expect live music, games, DJ’s and lots of French food (think freshly baked crispy baguettes, smelly cheeses, sweet and savory crêpes and croque monsieur). Al Dente Festival Sunday 22 — noon to 8 p.

m. Mercado de las Pulgas (Av. Dorrego 1650) Free entry The Al Dente Festival is returning with art, music, skating, clothing and gastronomy.

Music will be the main highlight of the event, with live music from a range of genres such as Italian, tango, funk, country, DJ sets, rock, hip hop and .