DEAR MISS LONELYHEARTS: My husband is a calm person — but now he’s suspiciously quiet, since he got his new job. Before that, he used to come home all hopped-up about work, or nervous, or angry — or even happy! Now, he’s just flat, but one weird thing he does is change his shirt the moment he gets home, for seemingly no reason! Read this article for free: Already have an account? To continue reading, please subscribe: * DEAR MISS LONELYHEARTS: My husband is a calm person — but now he’s suspiciously quiet, since he got his new job. Before that, he used to come home all hopped-up about work, or nervous, or angry — or even happy! Now, he’s just flat, but one weird thing he does is change his shirt the moment he gets home, for seemingly no reason! Read unlimited articles for free today: Already have an account? Opinion DEAR MISS LONELYHEARTS: My husband is a calm person — but now he’s suspiciously quiet, since he got his new job.

Before that, he used to come home all hopped-up about work, or nervous, or angry — or even happy! Now, he’s just flat, but one weird thing he does is change his shirt the moment he gets home, for seemingly no reason! His office job doesn’t make him sweaty and dirty. Then he pats me on the back, eats dinner, doesn’t talk much and then goes for a very long nap. (He also insists on doing his own laundry these days — he even has a separate laundry bag.

) I’m almost ready to go to bed when he wakes up again. Then he talks with m.