From the King of Sparta to the leader of the North Pole, Gerard Butler has impressed in his new role in animated festive film The Night Before Christmas in Wonderland. Voiced by Gerard Butler and Emilia Clarke, the film is brought to life to outline the story of another classic Christmas tale undoubtedly set to spread festive cheer to younger (and big kids) alike. In the animated 80-minute film , based on Carys Bexington and illustrator Kate Hindley’s popular kids book, has now been turned into a family Christmas movie as Santa travels to Wonderland to help save Christmas after the Queen of Hearts had outlawed it.

Sharing a glimpse of behind the scene with fans of his big ballad, Butler shared a clip on X which left fans floored at his voice. "Does it sound Scottish enough," he joked before belting out the song from the film. He captioned the clip.

"It’s showtime! Check out my new single 'Wonderland' - available now! Head to the link below to listen and catch #TheNightBeforeChristmasInWonderland , streaming on Hulu and Prime Video in the USA and on Sky Cinema and NOW in the UK from December 13th. .

" It comes as fans fondly reminisced on Gerard Butler taking centre stage in the 2004 film adaptation of The Phantom of the Opera as the Phantom, where he impressed viewers with his vocals. Taking to the post, fans soon flooded the comments with praise for the Scots star: "The song sounds incredible, so does your voice and of course your Scottish acce.