George Harrison and John Lennon became close in the years they spent with The Beatles . They didn’t start out this way, though. Lennon initially hadn’t wanted Harrison to join the band, believing he looked so young that he damaged the band’s image.

Harrison said that after an experience he and Lennon shared, he no longer felt he embarrassed him. George Harrison said he stopped feeling like he embarrassed John Lennon after they tried LSD In the mid-1960s, The Beatles began using LSD . Lennon and Harrison were the first to try the drug, and Lennon estimated that he used it 1,000 times.

“I don’t think John had a thousand trips; that’s a slight exaggeration,” Harrison said in The Beatles Anthology . “But there was a period when we took acid a lot — the year we stopped touring, the year of the Monterey Pop Festival, we stayed home all the time, or went to each others’ houses.” Harrison said that taking LSD with Lennon changed the dynamic of their relationship.

It made him feel closer to Lennon than all the other Beatles. “After taking acid together, John and I had a very. interesting relationship,” he said.

“That I was younger or I was smaller was no longer any kind of embarrassment with John. Paul still says, ‘I suppose we looked down on George because he was younger.’ That is an illusion people are under.

It’s nothing to do with how many years old you are, or how big your body is. It’s down to what your greater consciousness is and if you can .