Hollywood actor George Clooney recently reacted to an interview of filmmaker Quentin Tarantino, where the director didn’t count him as a movie star. In a new interview with GQ, Clooney addressed Tarantino’s comments, saying he’s “irritated” by the remarks. Clooney said, “Quentin said some sh*t about me recently, so I’m a little irritated by him.

He did some interview where he was naming movie stars, and he was talking about [Pitt] and somebody else, and then this (interviewer) goes, ‘Well, what about George?’ He (Tarantino) goes, ‘He’s not a movie star.’ And then he literally said something like, ‘Name me a movie since the millennium.’ And I was like, ‘Since the millennium?’ That’s kind of my whole f*cking career.

” A Quentin Tarantino Motion Picture pic.twitter.com/3UcWqoYq2b — Cinema Tweets (@CinemaTweets1) August 12, 2024 Clooney has worked in the 1996 crime drama-horror From Dusk Till Dawn , which was written by Tarantino and directed by Robert Rodriguez.

Clooney then continued, “So now I’m, like, all right, dude, f*ck off. I don’t mind giving him shit. He gave me shit.

” Clooney, who is a two-time Academy Award winning actor, rose to global stardom in the early 2000s with the Ocean’s film series followed by popular and acclaimed titles like Michael Clayton , Up in the Air , The Descendants , The Perfect Storm , and the recent hit Ticket to Paradise . George Clooney and Brad Pitt for GQ, 2024 pic.twitter.

com/geKDgOLqw2 — cin.