Where did we come from? Why are we here? Where are we going? Nearly every person asks these questions at some point in our lives. The search for their answers has motivated some of history’s greatest minds to consider all manner of possibilities. Because we all bump into reality every day, it nudges us to make some assumptions about life and its meaning.

We were born into an incredibly complex and beautiful world that demands an explanation as to its origin. We came into being as a result of highly complicated ovulation, fertilization, pregnancy and birth processes that could have gone awry anywhere along the way. How did this happen? As we look around us, we see our family members who often bear some resemblance due to intricate DNA coding.

We also observe neighbors who are very different in height, skin color and language. As we study human history, we encounter great leaders and cruel despots as well as human flourishing and collapse. How do we make sense of all this? The explanations to these questions are as numerous as needles on a pine tree.

Many philosophers, theorists and shamans have offered their own takes on reality. Some even deny that reality exists in spite of what our five senses confront us with every moment of every day. As is true with any investigation, it’s important to follow the evidence where it leads without being blinded by others’ opinions.

This is nearly impossible since we all carry preconceived notions and deep-seated beliefs. At some point.