Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Social media is abuzz with celebrities and influencers revealing what their ideal last meal would ...

[+] be, which generative AI can help with. getty Last meals are trending. This is happening for reasons beyond the usually anticipated basis.

You see, I would assume that most people instantly think about prisoners having a last meal. Sure, that still happens. But the attention on the topic is elsewhere in our modern world.

The deal is this. Social media has taken the Last Meals conception by storm and opted to post endlessly and vociferously about what people ought to eat or ought to not eat for their final dining experience. Online streamers and influencers have developed Internet-based broadcasts that invite celebrities to appear on camera and talk about their envisioned last meal.

In many cases, the show arranges for the meal to be put together and cooked while in the studio, such that the celebrity and the guest dine on the specified last meal during a quite enthralling feastful interview. Bon appetite! Don’t worry, the celebrity featured on the show happily remains alive and well after the presumed last meal. This is all for fun.

Plus, some do this for bragging rights. I’d like to add another surprise to the feasting table. Turns out that generative AI can be used to aid in identifying your very own personalized last meal.

Rather than trying to come up with something enticing and edible by random thoughts alone, y.