Visual Art is the arts that meet the eye and evoke an emotion through an expression of skill and imagination. They include the most ancient forms, such as painting and drawing, and the arts that were born thanks to the development of technology, like sculpture, printmaking, photography, and installation art. Still, one commonality of all visual art forms is to communicate visually, without the need for the other senses such as hearing or touch.

The intent of visual art forms may be to visually please the viewer through an artwork that is beautiful or calming. Some artworks aim to entertain the viewer through interesting or amusing images or as a captivating visual story. The intent of other artwork may be to shock or disturb the viewer to provoke thought and discussion on an important topic or pressing issue.

Hence, its a money making venture as it is lucrative and could even be paid in international currencies if you develop your business to international level. Chieloka Anadu is an International visual artist who started creating art at a very tender age and now, he travels across the world to showcase his talent, makes money in foreign currencies and able to take care of his financial needs through this means. In an interview with LEADERSHIP Weekend, he said, his primary motivation has always been the pure joy of creation and the ability to express his innermost thoughts through visual media.

“Art also serves as an escape for me – a way to process the world around me a.