fans were upset to see Blaze leave and not It is not confirmed as of yet if Blaze is being permanently written out of the show, or if the actress Jacqueline Grace Lopez who plays her will be leaving the show either. Blaze decided to go on tour and be the opener for Miguel Morez after . When the opportunity was first brought up by her music manager Brook Lynn, Blaze was initially excited but then that dwindled when she thought of leaving Kristina, especially in her current state of grief and trauma.

. Natalia went to Kristina to discuss how Blaze needed to essentially go on tour. Kristina agreed with her and when Blaze came to visit her in the hospital again, she told her to go.

During their conversation, Kristina was adamant with Blaze that she needed to take the opportunity. Blaze declined fiercely saying it's her decision to say no. Through their conversation, Kristina tried to convince Blaze to go by stating that right now she is grieving and doesn't have the capacity to love anybody else right now but the baby she lost.

She also added that she didn't want Blaze to jeopardize her future for her and to also resent her if she stayed. They continued to go back and forth as Blaze let Kristina know she wants to support her, she loves her and will not regret staying. Blaze eventually succumbed to Kristina's request but the conversation got emotional with Blaze crying, feeling forced by Kristina to choose her career over her.

Before they kissed one final time, Kristina let her kn.