fans want Kristina was arrested by the FBI with attempted murder charges of Ava on Monday's, August 19, episode. FBI agent Cates spearheaded those charges claiming that and Ava was defending herself. But this was a less than subtle bid at getting at Sonny since Cates has a vendetta against the mobster.

On Tuesday's episode, Kristina was held in police custody and talking to her parents about getting out of this situation as well as her emergency hearing. Sonny and Alexa both left and Kristina whispered to herself that and A flashback of the moment played that showed there was more to Ava touching her arm. Kristina had tripped over a black duffel bag which she doesn't seem to want to accept.

Kristina then repeated with conviction, "Ava grabbed me." Ava grabbed me.' But she didn’t push you, Kristina.

That’s kind of an important distinction that isn’t being acknowledged—not even from law enforcement, who SHOULD acknowledge it." During the episode, TJ and Kristina seemed to also came to the same conclusion in their conversation that Kristina has a role in their baby's death. Molly told TJ she had confronted Ava and confessed that she was coming to think that "Kristina's actions are responsible for the death of our baby.

" TJ also admitted that he confronted Ava and agreed with Molly that Kristina is not "completely blameless." Molly added that Kristina had a choice to not go to Ava's room and if she had made that choice, their baby would still be alive..