A crowd of over 200 people gathered Wednesday at San Francisco Airport to welcome a Palestinian teen who lost both his legs and half of his left hand in an Israeli strike in Gaza. The 15-year-old, known only by his first name, Ahmed, will receive prosthetic and rehabilitative treatment in the US after being wounded by a bombing in Khan Younis on 16 February. The crowd brought gifts, banners and flowers.

Dozens of children also showed their support. Bay Area emergency room doctor Mohammad Subeh, who treated Ahmed as part of his second medical mission in Gaza, was among the people receiving the teen. Dr Subeh called Ahmed’s survival a “miracle”, given the low probability of surviving a double amputation, especially in conflict zone conditions.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) recently said that all healthcare facilities in southern Gaza are at “ ”. Diseases such as Polio are spreading across Gaza as a result of , while patients with cannot access treatment. Unicef estimated early this year that 10 children lose limbs every day in Gaza, and British-Palestinian doctor Ghassan Abu-Sittah said the conflict is resulting in the largest cohort of pediatric amputees in history.

Some amputations were carried out . After the bombing, Ahmed was brought to an emergency field hospital where he was “exsanguinating, in shock, going in and out of consciousness”, according to Dr Subeh, who worked with colleagues to stabilise him. Ahmed's friend was killed in the.