Gauri Khan with her family (husband Shah Rukh Khan, kids Aryan, Suhana and AbRam) Entrepreneur, producer and a distinguished interior designer, Gauri Khan wears many hats. This year, she clocks in 13 years of being in the field of interior design . In a conversation with us, Gauri talks about how designing Shah Rukh and her home, Mannat , has been among her “most cherished experiences”, what inspires her and how she plans to take her design dreams ahead.

Excerpts: What inspired you to step into this world of design and how do you look back at your 13-year-long journey? My first piece of work as a designer was my Delhi house. My mother had put me in charge of that. When we moved into Mannat, it was my responsibility to make the house a home.

I really enjoyed the process, and designing it remains one of my most cherished experiences. There is a saying, ‘Find something you love to do, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.’ I love designing, and that’s what keeps me going.

What are your personal must-haves and goals when it comes to design? Each project is different, but it is important to develop your internal voice as a designer. That voice is what makes your work unique. For me, the starting point is usually the story that I want the space to tell.

That is the inspiration. Then, all elements of design need to come together cohesively around that narrative in a timeless, classic and, most importantly, functional way. Gauri Khan You’ve been in the busin.