The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) advises that applying plant fertiliser "every few weeks" from April to October can help peace lilies produce stunning blooms. It is suggested to remove fading leaves and dead flowers by cutting at the base of the stem, which prompts the houseplant to invest its energy in new growths. Enthusiastic gardener Gail Nacoste took to the 'Creative Gardening' Facebook group to share the extraordinary results observed from using a simple kitchen scrap as a fertiliser.

Gail elaborated: "I have been watering my peace lily with banana peel water. It has been flowering like crazy with big flowers and growing faster." "I have also been watering my other plants with the banana water.

All are going great.". As reports the Express , Gail outlined the process: "You put the banana peel in a jar of water with a lid, leave it in the water overnight or [for] a couple of days.

I water once a week or more often if needed." Attracting over 3,000 comments on her post, fellow member Debra Cavanagh shared the rationale behind the success of banana water. "It's because banana is rich in potassium," remarked Debra.

"My very best friend is a horticulturist and she told me this trick." Debra's approach varies slightly from Gail's; she doesn't soak bananas in water. Instead, she chops the banana peels up and distributes them directly into the soil near her peace lily.

"My soil is excellent and my plants are thriving," Debra proudly stated. For those interested in replicat.