Gardeners are being encouraged to chuck their kitchen scraps like tea bags, coffee grounds and potato peels into the garden this month. It might sound a bit quirky, but autumn is actually the ideal time to kick off a home composting setup if you haven't got one already, thanks to the abundance of garden waste that can be paired with your everyday food leftovers. Laura from the Young Growers Club has taken to TikTok to show just how to get a compost bin going, detailing what to toss in there.

"Let me show you how to set up a composter," she kicks off, positioning her composter on a sunny patch of lawn. "As it has a base I'm not adding anything underneath, but if it didn't I would add cardboard." She then lays down a base layer using woodchips, but for those without woodchips, she suggests sticks and cardboard or dried leaves as alternatives.

"Because this is my first batch of compost, I'm going to add in some healthy soil from the garden," Laura says, added that this step helps accelerate the composting process. Depending on what's at hand in your home and garden, Laura's advice varies. For instance, she mentions that her "decomposing grass pile" had red worms, so she decided to mix some into her compost bin.

After tossing in the grass and worms, she gives it all a good stir. The next phase involves adding "green and brown layers" – that's where your kitchen leftovers and garden rubbish come into the equation. "For the green layer I've gone for some food waste and fresh gard.