Various different herbs, flowers and vegetables are excellent companion plants for lavender in gardens . No worries if gardeners are unsure what to plant with lavender in a container or in the ground. Gardening experts at PlantIn have shared a few suggestions.

They claimed that lavender companion plants can help "improve your favourite summer shrub's health" directly and indirectly. For instance, it can provide shade in the primary weeks of planting, keep the soil damp, or simply level up the garden style. They all help "keep a garden healthy" during the summer months and into autumn.

Best lavender companion plants Gardeners shouldn't say no to oregano as it makes a "perfect pair" for lavender. Aside from having the perfect spice for the kitchen, oregano magnets pollinators and other beneficial insects, which "keeps a garden healthy". They are also relatively uncomplicated plants to care for and will make a perfect border plant to surround a lavender patch.

Pole beans have a symbiotic friendship with a bacterium that enriches the soil with nitrogen. The experts said: "It could help your lavender establish better during the early growing stage and simultaneously keep your vegetable pest-free." These beautiful thorny flowering bushes are complementary to lavenders.

When planted together, the scents of lavender and rose "perfume the air". The experts said: "It is such a spectacular sight to see the blend of multi-layered florets of rose with the bluish tinge of lavender." With i.