Before letting the garden rest for the winter months, experts have urged that September is a "fantastic time" for gardeners to plant some grass seed. The lawn care whizzes at iCANLAWN. COM have declared: "Autumn is a fantastic time to sow grass seed.

" They're tipping September as the perfect period for planting with just-right weather conditions, explaining: "The weather's not too hot or cold, it's just right this time of year. We recommend temperatures of 10C and above for growing grass seed, and September offers this in most parts of the UK without fail." Not only is the atmosphere spot on, but the soil is also primed for seeding, they say: "On top of that, the ground's still warm from summer, and there's enough rain to water your lawn without drowning your new seedlings.

" Sowing now, according to the gurus, gives grass enough runway to beef up before winter hits and sets you up nicely for next spring - no reseeding required. The experts doubled down on the seasonal advice, saying: "Since weather conditions are generally perfect this time of year, your new lawn will grow strong and resilient next year." And they've got good news about those garden crashers - weeds: "Weeds will start to pack their bags come September.

That means less competition for your fresh batch of grass seedlings. "With fewer weeds around, your grass gets all the attention it deserves, sunlight, water and nutrients, without having to fight against other plants to grow." For those green-fingered enthusia.