Prakasam SP A R Damodar addressing the media at the DPO in Ongole on Tuesday Ongole: The Prakasam district police have successfully busted a gang of fraudsters who attempted to extort money through an elaborate scheme involving the impersonation of police officers. In a press meet held at the District Police Office, Superintendent of Police AR Damodar announced the arrest of seven individuals concerning the case. The SP explained that the main accused, Chalagarla Sai Shyam Kumar, who runs a salon in Bhagya Nagar, Ongole, orchestrated a scheme to evade repaying Rs 10 lakh loan from a man.

He said that Shyam Kumar collaborated with Nimmala Vijayalakshmi, his former employee and a fashion designer at Hyderabad, to execute the plan. The SP said that the accused rented authentic-looking police uniforms from a cine costume supplier in Krishna Nagar, Hyderabad, including outfits for a CI, SI, constable and woman constable. On December 29, the gang staged an elaborate scene in Shyam Kumar’s room on Mangamuru Road, where they ambushed the victim when he arrived to collect his debt.

The conspirators, posing as police officers, threatened the victim with false charges of assault and drug possession. They forcibly took his gold ring, recorded compromising videos, and demanded Rs 1.5 crore while threatening to file cases and release the videos on social media.

The victim, realising the next day that this was an orchestrated scheme to evade debt repayment, filed a complaint with the Ongo.