The Wednesday letters page wonders what is going on behind the scenes at PlayStation, as one reader praises Final Fantasy 7 Remake. To join in with the discussions yourself email

uk Fake renaissance I’ve seen a lot of people arguing that video game movies are a lot better than they used to be, and the Borderlands film is just a glimpse back at the bad old days and not how things are now. But what movies are people talking about when they say that? The Last Of Us and Fallout are always the first examples given, but they’re not movies. They’re eight-ish hour long TV shows, that are completely different to any movie.

Super Mario Bros. Movie was very successful, but it wasn’t very good and the Sonic movies are barely any better. Uncharted was just a very mid action movie, that wasn’t a particularly big hit.

What else are people talking about? Detective Pikachu? Warcraft? One of the Resident Evil films? As far as I can see video game movies are exactly as bad as they’ve ever been and Borderlands is just a typical example of that. Video game TV shows have got a lot better, I’ll agree to that, but I think we’re a long way from any film about a game winning an Oscar. Scooner PS: For my money, the best is still the original Mortal Kombat.

At least it had the same plot, characters, and tone as the game it’s based on, which is still extremely rare for a live action film. Not even the Pokémon film got that right. Schrödinger’s live service pol.