A salt grinder is an essential kitchen tool for any aspiring chef, yet many may not be aware they've been using it incorrectly. Recent revelations indicate the 'correct' method has eluded numerous individuals. Salt is without a doubt the quintessential seasoning capable of transforming the taste of virtually any dish .

With a history stretching back to 6050 BC, one might assume we've mastered its use, but apparently, that's not the case. Available in various forms ranging from the delicate table salt to robust flakes and rock salt crystals, salt's versatility is unmatched. Many home kitchens feature a salt grinder to turn large chunks of salt into smaller, more usable flakes as part of routine meal preparation however, it appears a vast number have been making lifelong mistakes with the device.

Notably, most salt grinders come equipped with dual settings: one for powdery fine salt and another for heftier flakes. On TikTok , one user expressed surprise upon discovering this fact and questioned if others were similarly unaware. Ellen, who shares content under the handle @ellen.

ceez, uploaded a video showcasing her partner demonstrating a sea salt grinder purchased from Lidl. In the video, her partner first uses the grinder in the conventional manner to produce "fine chunks" by inverting it and rotating the top. But then, he reveals a clever hack: by pulling out the lid and grinding again, the device yields "big chunks" instead.

He concludes with a helpful tip: "Now you know. It.