Gagosian Gallery brings U.S. artist Derrick Adams' works to Korea for first solo show Published: 18 Sep.

2024, 11:49 Updated: 18 Sep. 2024, 11:52 SHIN MIN-HEE shin.minhee@joongang. ′′Who Can I Run To (Xscape)′′ by Derrick Adams, acrylic and spray paint on wood panel in artist's frame, 72 x 95 1/2 inches (182.9 x 242.

6 cm) [DERRICK ADAMS STUDIO, GAGOSIAN] Gagosian Gallery, which has 19 exhibition spaces across major cities like New York City, London, Paris, Basel and Rome, currently only has one Asian branch, located in Hong Kong. It may be too early to hope for a Seoul branch, but particularly this year, it’s evident that the gallery has been eyeing the Korean capital city. The gallery participated for the third time in Frieze Seoul and is now holding its first Korean pop-up exhibition, titled “The Strip.

” Related Article Much to see, more to buy: Frieze Seoul offers more 'affordable' artworks in third edition Auction house Phillips, local galleries hold exhibits alongside Frieze Seoul Gagosian chose American artist Derrick Adams for its first solo show in Korea, which also coincides with the artist’s Korean solo debut. As many of his works explore Black culture, Adams' selection was an attempt to offer a “fresh, new and perhaps unexpected” type of art to the Korean audience, according to Nick Simunovic, managing director of Gagosian, Hong Kong. The exhibition, which takes place at the APMA Cabinet on the first floor of the Amorepacific headquarters i.