A further pre-inquest review is set to take place after a devastating house fire in 2017 which claimed the lives of a family. Michelle Pearson, 37, and four of her children, Brandon, aged eight, Demi, 15, Lacie, seven and Lia, three, died as a result of the blaze. The four children died at the time, while Ms Pearson escaped the blaze but succumbed to her injuries 20 months after the incident.

The fire took place at the family home on Jackson Street, Walkden, in the early hours of December 11, 2017. Zak Bolland and David Worrall were found guilty of murdering the children in 2018, and then also their mother in 2021. Lia Pearson, Brandon Pearson, Lacie Pearson and Demi Pearson Now, almost seven years on from the fire, proceedings in the coroners court are under way.

The inquest, which will cover Michelle and all four of her children, will investigate the circumstances around their deaths. A pre-inquest review was held at Bolton Coroners Court on August 6. Senior Coroner Timothy Brennand said the proceedings were based around the "issue of resumption".

He said that it was clear there was no contention as to who died, and when, where and how they died, but that the circumstances around the deaths could require further investigation. Family counsel Ms Morris said: "For Michelle Pearson things are slightly different as she survived two years after the atrocity. Michelle Pearson "She was cared for in a care home for a number of months.

The family have concerns about the care she rec.