Shocking video (click to play above) shows piles of fly-tipped rubbish that locals say has turned their estate into ‘something from the Walking Dead’. Now, furious residents and business owners say the street has become a hangout for drug-addled 'zombie' addicts, and the trash has led to an invasion of ‘rats the size of cats’. Fly-tippers have made street a dumping ground Sofas, beds and even discarded toilets are just some of the items abandoned on a patch of grass, which first started to become a dumping ground when a group of tenants moving house created the initial mess around four years ago.

Business owner Pete Kumar said the waste had been driving customers away from his beauty salon after they spotted giant rats lurking among the trash piles. But, as the council sold the land around four years ago, they now ‘refuse’ to clean up the mess. Dad-of-two Pete, 50, who owns Riya's Beautonic Lounge, said: “Every time we phone the council they refuse to clear it because it’s private property.

There’s no borders on there, it’s an open area. From black bags, to general rubbish, sofas, fridges and car tyres. Big and small fridges, microwaves, we’ve seen it all.

Within three days of clearing it, it’s back again.” ‘Rats the size of cats’ Pete adds that although CCTV was installed, the problem has persisted - and it’s driving away business. He added: “Because we’re in the beauty trade and there’s a lot of women who come here, I'm losing business .