Nollywood actress and filmmaker, Funke Akindele has cried out over a scammer using her name and picture to commit nefarious deeds on Whatsapp. Akindele disclosed that the criminal was defrauding unsuspecting victims on the social media platform. According to her, the scammer, identified as Prosper Paul, has been sending messages under her identity, asking for money and promising to repay it the next day.

Funke shared screenshots of the scammer’s messages on her X account and Instagram story, urging her fans to be vigilant and not fall for the scam. She captioned the post: “ Pls beware!!! This is not from me!! Prosper!!! E no go prosper for you o!!! Ole!!!” This incident came shortly after Funke Akindele celebrated her birthday, receiving praise and well-wishes from her colleagues and fans. Why I’m No Longer Close To Eniola Badmus, Other Colleagues – Funke Akindele Opens Up Meanwhile, Akindele , has dismissed rumours of a rift with her colleague, Eniola Badmus and other stars in the film industry.

Naija News recalls that Eniola and Funke were very close before the 2023 election and had often shown off their beautiful vacation and fun moments online. However, in recent times, the duo were rarely seen together or commenting on their social media posts. In an interview with Arise TV, Funke when asked about her friendship with Eniola Badmus said, “ Eniola Badmus cracks me up so much.

I love to chill with her. But, we have been so busy with life. Everybody is doing thei.