The details of how Natural Resources Wales aims to save £13m from its budget in the next financial year have been spelt out. It includes 265 job losses. Natural Resources Wales (NRW) is a Welsh Government-sponsored body with 2,000 staff, which has a number of roles including being the main environmental regulator and adviser to Welsh Government on policy as well as to maintain flood defences and manage the public forest estate.

The organisation say 108 of the jobs which need to be cut are vacant and there are around 200 new posts in areas of the organisation which have ring-fenced funding. The planned changes will see some enforcement of waste crime cut, library services ended, and cutbacks in communications services. There will no longer be an education team and there will be some reductions to corporate functions.

READ MORE: Anger over plans to close some visitor centre facilities at Welsh beauty spots READ MORE: Weather updates as Met Office says month's worth of rain to fall in hours causing flash floods In a letter contained within documents circulated to staff chief executive Clare Pillman wrote: "The financial challenges we face are not of our own making nor are they unique to us. Over recent years our core grant in aid from Welsh Government has not increased whilst our costs have risen in line with the high levels of inflation that we have seen across the economy. At the same time we have seen new money from Welsh Government for specific projects, which is welcome, b.