A man sentenced for indecently assaulting and detaining a woman remained off police radar for nearly two decades until he reported an incident with his neighbour to officers. / (min cost $ 0 ) or signup to continue reading Martin Bielecki had a warrant out for his arrest since 2004 and was only apprehended for the attack after walking into an Adelaide police station. On February 24, 2004, the then 21-year-old aggressively assaulted and threatened a woman, who cannot be legally named, after becoming angry at her perceived infidelity.

He forced her to drive to his home, broke the window of her car after she refused to get out and made her enter his residence. Despite her terrified cries, Bielecki threatened the woman before picking her up, throwing her onto his bed and pushing her back down whenever she tried to get back up. He held her down, accused her of infidelity and caused bruising to her genitals as he indecently assaulted her.

Returning to the lounge, he made the woman sit down, threatened to hit her with a chair and grabbed her shoulder, telling her to be quiet and not to leave or he would be physically violent. Bielecki eventually agreed to drive the woman to a convenience store, where she called triple zero. He was arrested the following day but while on bail he fled overseas and failed to appear at a court hearing in June 2004.

Bielecki remained out of sight of police until 18 years later, when went to a police station to report the incident with his neighbour. Afte.