In a fast-paced world we need our appliances to work hard for us, taking the strain out of everyday task, including trusty washers. But when it comes to front-load vs top-load washers, do you know the differences and how to pick the one best suited to your needs? Both get your laundry clean and offer a range of cycles, but here, our appliance experts compare the main differences, pros, and cons to help you pick well and be happy with your investment. The best washing machines should be simple to operate, offer a good range of options for all kinds of laundry and lifestyles, easy to clean and reliable so here's what you need to know about these different loading styles.

Before stepping out of your home to shop for a new washer, make sure you have narrowed down the options otherwise you risk coming home empty handed having been overwhelmed with all the decisions you will need to make. At the very least, knowing whether you want a top-load or front-load model will help. Glenn Lewis, President at Mr.

Appliance a Neighborly® company says, 'Top-loading washers were the first residential machines to hit the market in the US and as the name implies, you put the clothes in from the top. Front-loading washers you put the clothes in the front.' Let's take a look at how the two compare and the pros and cons to be aware of so you don't end up making any washing machine mistakes you might later regret.

What are the pros of top-load washers? Despite being thought of as a little old-fashion.