Moving to Costa Rica offers a transformative change in lifestyle and environment, drawing many to its stunning landscapes and vibrant culture. Known for its “Pura Vida” philosophy, Costa Rica encourages a simpler, more relaxed way of living, offering a refreshing escape from the bustle of most Western countries. Why move to Costa Rica? Close to nature One of the most compelling reasons to settle in Costa Rica is its breathtaking natural beauty .

The diverse ecosystems range from cloud forests to active volcanoes, mangroves, and coral reefs. This diversity allows residents to enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, surfing, birdwatching, and snorkeling. Costa Rica’s commitment to conservation has resulted in the protection of over 25% of its territory, offering numerous national parks and wildlife reserves to explore.

Qualitative infrastructures and services Costa Rica is renowned for its good healthcare system , offering both public and private services with many English-speaking doctors. The country has a well-developed road network, reliable utilities such as electricity and water, widespread internet access, and strong mobile phone coverage. Additionally, Costa Rica boasts a high-quality education system, making it an attractive destination for residents and expatriates.

Stable governance Costa Rica is also one of the most politically stable countries in Central America. It abolished its army in 1949 and has since focused on education, healthcare, and environmental s.