Whether you tend to lean Republican, Democrat, Independent or any other direction, there’s one thing about election season we ALL notice: people passionate about elections and positions and candidates sometimes forget to be KIND. Politicians from all parties point their fingers, accusing others of being “un-American” or “hating America” because they hold different opinions and perspectives. Our neighbors’ yard signs are defaced and banners torn down.

Relationships are strained and sometimes even broken. Social media has nothing nice to say about anybody. Friends, we can all do better.

Jesus told his followers, “Do unto others as you would have done unto you” (Matthew 7:12). So did Moses. And Mohammed.

Bahá'u'lláh Buddha, Confucious — nearly every religion has this “Golden Rule” as part of its foundation. Even in an election season, we should act like we believe it. This year, the United Methodists in town (all six churches and our Illinois State University campus ministry), together with friends (First Christian and others), are running a different kind of campaign: a Campaign for Kindness.

From Sept. 8 through the Nov 5 election, we’re going to be pointing out a different set of values: kindness, compassion, love, humility and respect. Several local churches are leading a Campaign for Kindness this fall.

You’ll see yard signs and T-shirts (if you want one, let me know, or drop by our table at the Sept. 7 Downtown Bloomington Farmers Market). You.