Elon Musk created waves last month when he announced a decision to move two of his companies to Texas. The move is in response to gender identity laws recently passed in the state of California. Musk again raised eyebrows when he spoke out on the controversial opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics where drag queens took part in a sketch mocking the Lord’s Supper.

Musk said, “Unless there is more bravery to stand up for what is fair and right, Christianity will perish.” Musk’s remarks emphasize parental rights and responsibility. Indeed, parents play a critical role in passing on their faith and values to their children.

On May 10, 2019, Pew Research published the results of a study entitled, “Most U.S. parents pass along their religion and politics to their children.

” The study interviewed 1,800 teens between the ages of 13 and 17. It found that 82% of Protestant parents had teens who also identified as Protestant, 81% of Catholic parents had Catholic teens, and 86% of religiously unaffiliated parents had teens who also described themselves as unaffiliated. According to the Bible, sharing our faith involves more than merely providing information.

It involves recounting one’s experience in a way that evokes emotions of awe and praise among those who hear. This is not a mere suggestion. We are to teach the word and ways of the Lord to others.

We are to impress the mighty works of God upon hearts and minds, especially our children. Such commands are given again an.