It’s a question posed to me by readers so often. And the prized answer has nothing to do with a recipe. My parents, Chester, who turned 95 last month, and Peggy, who celebrates her Aug.

17 birthday welcoming age 93, frequently attend my public events such as stage cooking shows and charity luncheons and dinners. Most times, their attendance gets more attention than my reasons for attending or hosting the event. The question everyone wants to know is how my parents stay so young and vibrant.

Often, readers offer their hypothesis: “Must be farm life.” Like any members of our aging population, my parents have had plenty of their own “bumps along the road of good health.” And yes, their multiple doctor appointments are frequent, and daily pills, vitamins and prescriptions, all numerous.

Earlier this month, Mom joined the ranks of so many this summer (myself included) fighting off the summer 2024 respiratory ailment that compromises talking and social interaction with coughing, wheezing and fatigue. An eight-day hospital stay in Valparaiso warded off the infection and virus, allowing her to return to the farm in time for her birthday festivities this weekend. The carousel of doctors, nurses and support staff who tended to my mom all marveled at her strong willpower and sharp, mind and queried at what has resulted in not only the longevity of both of my parents but also twilight years comprised of living independently in the same home since the start of their 70-year marr.