Are you still eating leftover turkey while the Christmas tree is quietly shedding the last of its needles on the carpet? It’s time to face the inevitable: it’s January. But all is not lost. Here are some outings that will shorten the wait for spring.

Join the circus The World Christmas Circus is not packing up yet and you have another 5 days to treat the family to pratfalls, perilous highwire acts and glittery hocus pocus galore at the Carré in Amsterdam. Until January 5. Website Enjoy a yarn at DARN Not fond of repairing your clothes? Maybe a visit to DARN, an exhibition on the art of mending at the Zeeuws Museum in Middelburg will change your mind.

Fast fashion has completely banned any idea of make-do and mend but one look at the meticulous work on show may make you have a go yourself. Recycling and mending are enjoying a comeback, including in contemporary art. Some of it bridges the generations, as in the case of sustainable fashion designer Rianne de Witte whose mother Mien de Witte-Verhage also contributed to the exhibition.

Jolly knits and crochet work by feminist group Club Geluk (Club Happiness) is also on show. Until January 25. Website Beware of the most dangerous woman in the world Artist and activist Selma Selman calls herself “the most dangerous woman in the world” and she’s an artist as well as an activist.

She will – literally – kickstart her exhibition at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam with the performance Motherboards. During this she, as.