In the fourth and final season of “The Umbrella Academy,” the time-jumping, world-saving saga involving the Hargreeves siblings comes to a dramatic close as Allison (Emmy Raver-Lampman), Ben (Justin H. Min), Diego (David Castañeda), Five (Aidan Gallagher), Klaus (Robert Sheehan), Luther (Tom Hopper), Viktor (Elliot Page), as well as Lila (Ritu Arya), come back together for one final reckoning with patriarch Reginald Hargreeves (Colm Feore). This time, however, the once-powerful members of their father’s Umbrella Academy have been forced to embrace a new normal after the fallout at the end of Season 3.

“The siblings no longer have their superpowers,” costume designer Megan Oppenheimer told IndieWire, explaining that at the onset of the new season, things are far from what audiences have seen thus far. According to creator and showrunner Steve Blackman, that means these formerly adolescent characters must embrace adulthood — and realize just how much growing up they had to do to face real-world problems. In the case of Viktor, it’s running a bar, while Diego and Lila try to navigate a suburban life with kids.

Elsewhere, Allison is a working actress with an angsty teenager, Luther is getting by as a stripper, and Klaus — cloaked in layers of outerwear and plastic gloves — is struggling with an overbearing case of germophobia. So, to bring those characterizations to life visually, Oppenheimer had to “de-transform” the siblings by embracing Blackman and co-.