Mumbai-based Tanishaa and Aashika Cunha who have their roots in Goa, recently created an immersive window installation with hand cut glass mosaic for the new Hermès store in the metropolitan city CHRISTINE MACHADO | NT BUZZ It all began in Barcelona. While on holiday there in 2014, the Cunha family came across a lot of beautiful mosaic work. “My sister and I have always been into art, be it painting or sculpting, and so when we saw all this mosaic work, our dad suggested that we could give it a try,” recalls Tanishaa Cunha.

Once back in Mumbai, the sisters decided to give it a go. “We made a really small piece, and our parents very enthusiastically shared it on Facebook,” says Tanishaa, laughing. However, a contact on Facebook liked the work and sent them a message with a request.

“This person owned a lot of malls across America and asked if we could do a piece for one of the malls there. We were a bit shocked because we had only done a small piece until then. But we decided to go for it and ended up doing a 2000 square foot piece in Honolulu,” shares Tanishaa.

Since then, the sisters have been doing mosaic work on a commission basis, with materials sourced both locally and from Italy. With their roots in Goa, the sisters’ have also completed projects for private homes in the state. Their family house in Cansaulim, which they have lent out to the Postcard group of hotels, also features a large piece on St.

Francis Xavier done by them. Similarly, the Hermès t.