WITH 30 bones from your shoulder to your fingers, our arms – from the Latin arma, meaning tools of war – are not just incredibly useful but an indicator of how healthy you are. One recent study found people with high levels of body fat stored in their arms are at greater risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Researchers in China also noted people with higher muscle strength were less likely to develop the diseases compared to those with lower muscle strength.

Dr Helen Wall, senior GP partner from the NHS Oaks Family Practice in Bolton, tells Sun Health: “Arms can tell us an awful lot about general health. “There are certain issues patients can present with, in their arms, that may seem unrelated to conditions like cancer or dementia but they can be real red flags to medical professionals. Even things like ectopic pregnancies can manifest with signs and symptoms in the arms and shoulders.

” If you have ever had an ache, a pain or a twinge, your arms could be giving you ­messages about your health. Dr Helen reveals what is harmless, what is not and when to seek help . .

. SLIPPED DISC FEELING a tingling sensation running down your arms is probably a bout of pins and needles. But, in some rarer cases, it could be a sign of an agonising back problem.

Dr Helen says: “Discs are the soft bulges in between the bones in the spine. They contain the spinal column and when they’re not happy, the nerves in the spinal column send messages letting the brain know tha.