Mark Rothko's "No. 16 [?] {Green, White, Yellow on Yellow}" (1951) / Courtesy of 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York By Park Han-sol The art world in Korea is once again entering a fall frenzy as September approaches, heralding the return of the two biggest fairs — Frieze and Kiaf Seoul. Along with these mega-events comes a smorgasbord of art across the country’s museums and galleries, whether it be blockbuster exhibition openings or the 30th-anniversary celebration of Asia’s oldest biennale.

From the remarkable meetup of Mark Rothko and Lee Ufan to the comeback of François Pinault’s coveted collection, here’s a roundup of shows that could be the cherry on top of your autumnal cultural outings. "Correspondence: Lee Ufan and Mark Rothko" at Pace Gallery Seoul (Sept. 4-Oct.

26) It’s a blockbuster encounter between the masters of the East and the West. Curated by Lee in collaboration with the Rothko family, this two-person show places Lee’s “Dialogue” and “Response” series, produced between 2018 and 2023, in a compelling dialogue with Mark Rothko’s tours de force from the 1950s and 1960s. The show offers a rare chance to witness unexpected intersections in color, surface and atmosphere between these two artistic heavyweights.

"Portrait of a Collection" at SongEun (Sept. 4-Nov. 23) The Pinault Collection — an eclectic assemblage of over 10,000 contemporary artworks amassed by François Pinault, the Fre.