Every human being in this world wants to be happy. But what is happiness? It is evolving from a state of pleasure that is momentary to a state of peace. Peace is not something you need to find; it is within.

We just have to still the mind, but we human beings don’t know how to do this. Even if we do, we are often unable to accomplish it. We are caught in thought and are slaves to our MIND—Misery, Ignorance, Negativity and Desires.

Human beings desire happiness and chase after it. Like a shadow, the more one pursues happiness, the further it recedes. It is only when a person realises that happiness has three peaks—achievement, fulfillment, and enlightenment—that they initiate a spiritual journey.

Spirituality is the realisation that we are not the body, mind, and ego that suffer. It is the realisation that we are the divine SOUL (Spark Of Unique Life) that emerges from the Supreme Immortal Power (SIP), which we all call God, and merges back into it after the death of the body. No matter how fulfilling it is, spirituality is not an easy subject to study, understand, and most importantly, realise and live by.

Most people find their path in spirituality when they try to discover their purpose in life. Spirituality is all about asking the two most important questions of life—‘Who am I?’ and ‘Why am I here?’ As long as we don’t start our spiritual journey and initiate the quest for discovering the true purpose and meaning of life, we will continue to equate happ.