DEMENTIA will affect at least one in three of us. Today, on World Alzheimer’s Day, there are around 982,000 people living with dementia in the UK. 3 New challenges, like learning to dance, is a powerful way to protect your brain from decline Credit: Getty But that figure is set to soar to 1.

4million by 2040. Here, neuroradiologist Dr Emer MacSweeney, at Re:Cognition Health, shares ways to reduce your risk. 1.

DON’T pick your nose: The nasal passage is one of the main entry points for harmful pathogens and ­studies suggest that bacteria can travel from the nasal cavity to the brain. Certain strains, such as chlamydia pneumonia, have been linked to brain inflammation and may increase the risk of Alzheimer’s. READ MORE ON DEMENTIA BRAIN DIET 5 foods that could slash dementia risk by 28% - including red wine and chocolate LISTEN UP! Millions of Brits are clueless when it comes to common cause of dementia 2.

ALTERNATE your pints: Easing up on the booze is key to protecting cognitive function as we age. Excessive drinking has been shown to damage brain cells and accelerate cognitive decline. Alternating between ­alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks reduces the overall amount of alcohol consumed, protecting your brain from the harmful effects.

3. GO to bingo: Taking part in stimulating and social ­activities such as bingo or pub quizzes can significantly benefit cognitive health. Most read in Health JAB OVERLOAD Vaccine horror as woman left 'temporarily blind with bruises eng.