WITH years of experience in the business world, Ayla M. Dadayan-Pangandaman has mastered the art of balancing her life while managing four branches and frequently traveling to oversee operations. Initially, Ayla had a different vision for her future.

Expected to complete law school and pursue a political career, she felt a strong responsibility to manage the family business as the eldest of 11 siblings. "Our family business is now in its fourth generation, but I never took part in it growing up. In my generation, business wasn’t encouraged; education was the priority.

I focused on my studies and was encouraged to study law and enter politics. But after I graduated from college, my path changed,” Ayla shared. Initially uninterested in fashion, Ayla considered herself a simple person and didn’t wear accessories.

However, attending various business events gradually influenced her style. The family business focuses on jewelry. As Ayla became more involved, she learned the nuances of wearing accessories and dressing up.

“When I attended classes, I started wearing pearls daily, and my classmates would ask where I got them. I had a knack for sales, so I even sold a few to them,” she recounted. As demand for her pearls grew, Ayla’s interest in the business intensified, inspired by her aunties' success.

This led her to fully commit to managing the family business. Ayla took over the business in 2008, opening a branch in Aldevinco. She expanded the business year by year but.