Monday, September 16, 2024 A burgeoning middle class in India is driving a significant surge in outbound tourism, reshaping the travel landscape across Asia. Destinations from Hong Kong to Central Asia are witnessing a spike in interest from Indian travelers, fueled by improved connectivity and affordable travel packages. According to a recent report by India’s leading online travel company, Indian residents who took two or more trips in a year increased by 32 percent from June 2023 to May 2024.

This surge is indicative of a growing appetite for international travel among the Indian population. The report also highlighted a shift in travel preferences among Indian travelers. Destinations such as Almaty, Kazakhstan, and Baku, Azerbaijan, have seen a meteoric rise in online search interest, with annual growth rates of 527 percent and 395 percent, respectively.

This suggests a growing desire for off-the-beaten-path experiences. Luxury travel has also gained traction among Indian travelers. Hong Kong, in particular, has emerged as a popular destination for premium travelers, with online searches surging by 131 percent annually.

The city’s allure lies in its reputation as a glamorous and multifaceted international destination, offering a wide range of experiences. The report further revealed that leisure travel accounts for over half of all international trips by Indians, followed by visiting friends and relatives. International travel search volumes remained consistent across.