In the quiet corners of her home, amidst the chaos of daily life—life dictated by the clinking of dishes and the laughter of her two children—Reecha Agarwal Goyal dared to dream. A mother, a homemaker, and now a bestselling author, her journey is one of defiance against the odds, a testament to the power of storytelling and perseverance. Reecha’s life, like many mothers, was centered around her family.

The daily routine of school runs, household chores, and taking care of her children filled her days. But underneath the surface, a longing stirred. “I’ve always loved my family life, but I couldn’t shake this feeling that I wanted something more,” she shares, reflecting on her transition from homemaker to writer.

Reecha says, “Writing was something I’d been passionate about since childhood. It was my way of expressing myself, but I had put it aside for so long.” Finding time for herself was a challenge, especially while raising two kids.

Yet, Reecha found solace in the late hours of the night and early mornings. Reecha says, “Those quiet moments, when everyone else was asleep, became my creative time. I would sit at my laptop, often sacrificing sleep, just to get the stories in my head onto paper.

” But the struggle wasn’t only in finding time. Reecha admits, “I had a lot of self-doubt. I wondered if I was chasing a dream that wasn’t meant for me.

But then I realised, the stories inside me were demanding to be told, and I couldn’t ignore them anym.