WHAT you eat can make you healthier – but so can when you eat it. We told yesterday how the least harmful time to knock back a glass of wine is with food. But the timings of meals, the order in which you eat things and when you break for coffee are also important.

Emma Pietras looks at the science behind it all . . .

HAVE YOUR VEGGIES BEFORE THE REST GETTING them down you before other things on your plate can help you feel full for longer, and lose weight. This is because vegetables contain fibre that helps regulate blood sugar. Dietician Carolyn Williams says: “Starting with veg and getting fibre in may make you east less carbs.

” DRINK A MORNING CUPPA AT AROUND 11am WAIT a few hours for your first cuppa, when the level of cortisol hormone in your body drops and you feel an energy slump. Sleep expert Dr Deborah Lee said: “If you wake at 7am, for example, leaving your first coffee until 10am is when you’ll get the most benefits.” EAT YOUR EVENING MEAL EARLY AT 5pm EARLY dinners can improve digestion and weight loss.

Most read in Health Overweight people were asked to eat the same meals at different times, and Harvard Medical School’s Nina Vujovic said a 5pm dinner made “a significant difference to how we burn calories and store fat”. TUCK IN TO FRUIT BEFORE MAIN MEAL MUCH like with vegetables, many fruits are rich in fibre, so best eaten before a meal – rather than after, as we often do. This is particularly true of apples.

A high-fibre diet boosts producti.