In our increasingly busy, hectic working lives, finding a bit of space to carve out some peace and quiet has never been more important. No wonder, then, that the wellness industry is booming, offering us everything from cryo-treatments to massages in a bid to balance out the stress of a 9 to 5. That goes for festivals, too.

Increasingly, today’s punters want more from the events they’re shelling out for. Gone are the days of slumming it in a muddy tent with roughly the dimensions of a coffin, eating chips for breakfast and trudging from stage to stage until your feet are red raw: these days, people can opt to enjoy their music along with a healthy slice of morning yoga, spa treatments and gong baths. “We generally find that everyone is making better choices around balance,” says Pip Roberts, who heads up the wellness area Energy Garden at Lincolnshire boutique festival Lost Village.

“Especially at Lost Village. Whether it’s considering what food goes into their bodies, or not going out so late at night. It means everyone gets to sleep and eat in a way conducive to feeling good.

” What, you’ve never left a festival feeling rested before? Get ready to do that, and more: here’s our selection of the best festivals offering wellness treatments across the UK right now. Get ready to unleash your zen at one of the UK’s buzziest festivals. Located in the heart of Lincolnshire, not only does Lost Village feature a killer line-up of electronic music artists, it also e.