THERE'S something particularly miserable about lingering back pain. No matter how you lie, sit or stand, the ache can persist. Often, it's cause can be something serious link an injury, slipped disc or sciatica.

But according to Mobility Expert Lee Cartwright, some common everyday habits could be causing your sore back or making it worse. “Back pain can occur suddenly or be a long-term issue lasting for years," the expert at Mobility Solutions Direct explained. "Back pain can vary widely, affecting either a specific area or spreading across the entire back, the buttocks, legs, or abdomen.

"The reasons for back pain can differ widely, so it is important to be aware that these every day habits can lead to chronic pain in your back muscles and spine.” It makes sense that some of these habits - like lack of exercise - might make you more prone to back pain. But others - like eating too much sugar or drinking too little water - you may find surprising.

Drinking too little water might leave you with more than a dry throat, according to Lee. “One easy mistake Brits often make is not hydrating regularly," he said. "Being dehydrated can impact the spine, diverting fluids to the brain and leaving joints, discs, and other connective tissues weakened and less able to provide cushioning and support.

"This can result in movement becoming difficult, stiff, and painful." Lee's advice? Make sure you're sipping on plenty of water throughout the day, ven if you're not thirsty. An easy way.