InNovember 2021, was a brand on the rise, gaininginternational acclaim and winning an on the global stage. After astunning debut at New Zealand Fashion Week and capturingattention worldwide for her unique, show-stopping wetsuits,the future looked incredibly bright. But just weeks afterlaunching her last collection, life took a devastating turn.

A surfing incident resulted in a life-altering concussion(read more here),forcing Gemma into a two-year battle for recovery. Theinjury transformed even the simplest tasks into marathonefforts. What was once a thriving business became a test ofendurance, as she fought to keep her brand alive.

Designinga new collection felt impossible; instead, Gemma focused onmaintaining her loyal customer base, ensuring her pastfavorites remained available as she navigated each day withoverwhelming fatigue and emotional challenges. ButGemma Lee’s story is one of resilience. Now, fullyrecovered, she returns with a fresh perspective on life anda renewed zest for her craft.

The result is a brand newswimwear collection that marks her triumphant comeback—onethat speaks volumes about her strength, creativity, anddetermination. This latest collection, Aloha Avenuelaunching on September 25th, is a vibrant celebration oflife, inspired by the tropical beauty of Waikiki, Hawaii,where it was brought to life in an unforgettable photoshoot.The designs are infused with Gemma’s signature retrotouch, featuring hibiscus flowers, palm trees, starfish, andshells—al.