When we think of summer on Earth, images of cool waters and scorching white sands invariably come to mind. Jumping from hot, white sands into turquoise waters decorates the dreams of many during the blistering heat of summer. However, have you ever considered the allure of jumping from scorching black sands into icy waters? Sunbathing on black sands or walking across them to reach the sea might not be everyone's initial beach fantasy, but perhaps it should be for every self-proclaimed adventurer.

Inspired by this idea, I have compiled a list of some extraordinary beaches with black sands around the world for unconventional travelers. The destinations on this list offer not only originality but also a chance to experience something truly out of the ordinary. Before delving into the list of beaches, it's worth understanding why these beaches have black sand in the first place.

Simply put, if a beach has black sand, it is likely situated in a volcanic region. Volcanic activities lead to the eruption of lava and ashes that, over time, break down into the fine particles that form black sands. The result is not just a unique visual spectacle but also a reminder of the Earth's dynamic geological processes.

While generally safe, it's important to exercise caution at these beaches. Some locations may experience strong currents and large waves, making swimming hazardous. Additionally, the high temperatures of black sands in certain places can deter sunbathing directly on them.
