Article content Let’s Not Turn on Each Other Stage 25 Spotlight Cabaret 8217 104 St. 5 stars out of 5 Wondering what this 50-minute musical theatre production is about? Wish I could tell you. No.

Wait. There are two braided hillbilly gals named Bethandreth and Cownow and they’re set up in the forest, where they await a signal from their leader Andreth. While doing so, they must follow a strict protocol of Guild behaviour for virgins.

Each is wearing a long printed dress with a trap door in the back, so puzzling because, you know, it’s a dress. When they are unsure of what to do next, they consult a library of cassette tapes made by the prophet. One features nothing more than seven hours of Andreth breathing.

Another has a list of breeders with the biggest toes. It seems to help. “Spiders are the varicose veins of the world,” shouts Bethandreth, begging the question, why? The show is like a boil on a lunar eclipse, no wait, it’s what happens when an ear of corn has a baby with a root beer float.

And also, these gals (true story, one of them is actually a man) can sing while strumming stringed instruments. It’s Fringe-tabulous. Find your Fringe! You can read all of our reviews here.
