Article content Ink Addicted Stage 4, Walterdale Theatre, 10322 83 Ave. 4 Stars out of 5 Chris Trovador will do anything to make sure you are entertained. His one-man, high-energy show Ink Addicted has a little bit of everything, from poetry to videos to interactive dance numbers.

Audience participation is not mandatory, but it’s highly encouraged, and this is a man who will stop at nothing to make sure you are entertained. His show focuses on, and this should come as no surprise, tattoos and tattoo culture. From the addictive nature of getting tattoos to the craziest tattoos his fellow artists have seen, he weaves his way through every aspect of the culture.

Trovador had an early interest in art, but it wasn’t until graduating high school that he considered a career in adding art to the human body. But he fell into it hard, and brought his conservative Puerto Rican mother around on the art form. His hour-long show is punctuated by video skits; hilarious vignettes showing off his impression skills, a fight scene and interviews with other artists on the most insane things they have ever tattooed onto a client.

No matter what he’s talking about, Trovador is waving, clapping, jumping, laughing, and beaming with an infectious smile. This is a man who loves what he does, loves being on stage, loves making an audience smile. Ink Addicted is a fun and hilarious show that will have you tapping your toes and laughing along with Trovador, a man so filled with joy it’s impossibl.