It’s no surprise Jamie Brickhouse is a skilled speaker. The man is a several-time storytelling champ and memoirist with a national profile, after all. Touching and laugh-out-loud funny, “I Favor My Daddy: A Tale of Two Sissies” tells a tale of a family chock-full of big personalities and, probably, possibly, homosexuality, lovingly laid atop an exploration of thorny questions like whether parents and children can ever truly know one another.

At times, pacing felt rushed and character voices blurred together, but the narrative is masterfully woven: At the climactic revelation, you’ll find — like Brickhouse did in real life — that signs were there all along. Presented by Jamie Brickhouse at Open Eye Theatre; 7 p.m.

Aug. 8, 10 p.m.

Aug. 10 Still trying to decide what to see? Check out all our Fringe reviews at , with each show rated on a scale of Must See, Worth Considering, Could Be Worse or You Can Skip.

The Minnesota Fringe Festival is presenting more than 100 hourlong stage acts from Aug. 1–11 around Minneapolis. Visit MinnesotaFringe.

org for ticket and show information. Related Articles Theater | Fringe review: In ‘Looking For Justice (In All The Wrong Places),’ lessons worth hearing get lost in disorganized storytelling Theater | Fringe review: ‘Parts’ is partway there, but needs more punchline Theater | Fringe review: ‘Antistrophe to an Andro-Sapphic Tragedy’ reflects on complicated, confusing experience of hold.