In a murder mystery, turkey vultures eagerly convening over a lonely corner of a farmer’s field generally portends tragedy. Read this article for free: Already have an account? To continue reading, please subscribe: * In a murder mystery, turkey vultures eagerly convening over a lonely corner of a farmer’s field generally portends tragedy. Read unlimited articles for free today: Already have an account? In a murder mystery, turkey vultures eagerly convening over a lonely corner of a farmer’s field generally portends tragedy.

The corpse lying there is Diana Brewer, 17, a high school senior in her small Vermont town — smart student, gifted athlete, future veterinarian, daughter of a single mom who works nights, loved by all, no enemies in the world. Strangled to death. Tristan Ostler photo In her eighth murder mystery, Toronto’s Shari Lapena once again lives up to the moniker of ‘fiendishly clever.

’ The police focus on boyfriend Cameron — football star, big man on campus. His story is really solid, quite the unshakeable alibi..

. until it isn’t. Or maybe the cops are looking at the unknown sleaze who was harassing and stalking Diana at her part-time job.

An incel creep who liked to drive his beater pickup truck around small towns in Vermont and New York and even into Quebec, until he found a girl working cash after school that caught his eye, and obsessed on her. Does that make him a murderer? And, come again, tell us that last part slowly, young witness sittin.