This story previously aired on April 20, 2019. Produced by Paul LaRosa and Elena DiFiore Joey Comunale, a successful 26-year-old from Connecticut did what many young people do every weekend -- go clubbing in New York's hot Meatpacking District. Comunale ended the night at an after-party that seemed like any other .

.. but this time, he disappeared.

Within hours of learning Joey Comunale was missing, his close friends went into overdrive scouring social media to find him. Using information they found on Instagram, Facebook and elsewhere, they traced the final steps their friend took that night – steps that ultimately led to his death. "I called everyone in my phone," friend Stephen Naso tells Erin Moriarty, after he got a call from Comunale's father, Pat.

"We go and we just start looking for him." "48 Hours" explores the last night of Comunale's life, the race to find him, and the case against two young men -- one of them the surrogate son of a so-called "Jeweler to the Stars" for brutally murdering him. A third man was also implicated for hindering prosecution and tampering with physical evidence.

It is a story of wealth, privilege, and an early morning after-party at an upscale NYC apartment that went terribly wrong. A NIGHT OUT IN THE CITY Preetham Dhivakarababu : I met Joey freshman year of college. We've been best friends ever since.

Stephen Naso : Joey was one of my best friends . Todd Greene : My best friend Max Branchinelli : Best friend. Pat Comunale : Everybody call.